How is a real estate database cleaned?

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Your guide to a healthier real estate database.

How is a real estate database cleaned?

Once you know what to look out for, it’s easier to know what to look for when prepping your data. While the techniques used for data cleaning may vary depending on the type of data you’re working with, the steps to prepare your data are fairly consistent.

Once you know what to look out for, it’s easier to know what to look for when prepping your data. While the techniques used for data cleaning may vary depending on the type of data you’re working with, the steps to prepare your data are fairly consistent.

Once you know what to look out for, it’s easier to know what to look for when prepping your data. While the techniques used for data cleaning may vary depending on the type of data you’re working with, the steps to prepare your data are fairly consistent.

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8 Key Steps to Cleaning Your Real Estate Database.

Dedupe Data

Duplicate data most often occurs during the data collection process.

Merge Data

It gets complicated when you must consider which versions to keep.

Consolidate Lists

A critical move in order to reach a single ‘source of truth’.


Enables you to connect with both the individual and the household.

Fix Missing Data

Enriching data fills in all of the missing blanks.

Standardize Data

Ensures you keep your data clean – now and in the future.

Purge Contacts

Knowing the difference of when to merge or purge is science and art.

Parse Data

Gain more control by having your data stored in in bite-sized versions.

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