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Strategies for
Real Estate Databases

How is a Real Estate Database Cleaned

Once you know what to look out for, it’s easier to know what to look for when prepping your data. While the techniques used for data cleaning may vary depending on the type of data you’re working with, the steps to prepare your data are fairly consistent

Why do you need a clean database

Your database or CRM is the engine that drives all of your real estate marketing.  The names and details of people you have done business with before, or met at open houses or through inquiries for properties – are the fuel that feeds your marketing. Put dirty fuel into an engine and while you might not notice it at first, eventually your engine will seize up

Why you should segment your real estate contacts

Whether you prefer to keep your list in a spreadsheet or a more sophisticated real estate CRM, the importance of having your data organized should not be overlooked.

Having an organized database of leads, past clients and people in your sphere of influence provides a solid foundation for nurturing relationships and making the most out of the connections you’ve worked so hard to make.  Let’s not forget about, cultivating referrals from your database cuts down on your cost to acquire new leads.

How Can a Clean Database Help My Business?

Data cleansing gets to play a crucial role in your business. Without quality and clean data, you cannot pivot as market conditions change, you cannot position yourself out in front of trends that emerge, and you will find yourself wasting precious time.


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CRM Strategy Ideas